Unit 4 Math Reflection

1. Tell why you think it is important to be able to divide numbers. For what kind of problems do you need to use division?

I think it is important to know how to divide numbers because it will help me divide evenly,I might need to split some toys evenly some children. I might need to split a bill evenly too when I go to a restaurant.

2. Tell what part of this unit was the most difficult for you and why. Describe what you did to overcome any difficulties you had.

Finishing Math pages on time, since I had Math Olympiad Training with Mrs. Ryan and usually end up late and behind in regular class. It is hard to understand the next classes after that.


The parable about The Sower and the Seed is about a sower who goes to sow his seed. He scattered his seed along the soil, but some fell along the path, and the crows picked them up and carried them away. Some seed fell onto shallow soil, it sprang up quickly, but the sun came out and burned them since it didn't have a lot of root. Some seeds, fell into the thorn bushes, they grew, but were choked. Although some of his seeds fell on good soil and grew well.

The seed that fell on the path is the man who hears about the lord, but does not understand it. The seed that fell into shallow soil is the man who receives it with joy, but when trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly fades away. The seed that falls into the thorns is the man who hears about the word, but the worries of his life choke it making it unfruitful. And the seed is the man who hears about the word and takes it into his life.

The people that were listening to Jesus' story learned that they should believe the word of god and not be the kind of seed that gets taken away, choked or burned and try to be the seed that lands on good soil even because of all the trouble you might have.

Even I could use the story's message and take god's word into my life, so that I can be the kind of seed that falls amongst the good soil.

Writing Reflection

Writing Reflection

1.What do I notice about myself as I read through my work?

Some things I notice when I read over my writing, is that I always use the same kind of sentence or always starting the sentence with then, or after that, and just then. I also use the word I too much. I can't seem to find another way to replace I. You see, the word I has already appeared 8 times already in this paragraph. I really need to stop doing that.

2. How have I changed as a writer so far?
So far in my writing, I have noticed that I can think up more useful words than those of 4th grade. It is getting easy for me to just think of a few words that fit my story well. It is a very useful tactic and I will continue to use it.

3. What are three things I do good as a writer?
Some things I am good at as a writer is creating good words that fit my story like a puzzle piece that belongs back in it's own box. Another thing I am good at, is recalling good stories to write about. The third thing is that I'm good at stamina in writing. I can continue to write as long as I have something to talk about.

4. What are some things I can work on to become a stronger writer?
Some things I need to be working on is trying to make my writing make sense. Sometimes, I forget that the reader did not see it happen and it was like I was writing it for myself to read. That is one thing I can work on.

5. What is my favorite piece? And what do I love about it?
My favorite piece is my published one since I really put a lot of work into it and I really thought about it. I didn't just carelessly slap on an ending, I really thought of it and took the time to write it and I would also cry out loud if it just went down the drain. I didn't do all the work just to see it sit at the bottom of somebody's wastebasket. The thing I really like about it is that I tried to make the story sound more scary than it was. That would get the reader to really take the bait. That's what I like about it most.

Factor Captor

Factor Captor

The reason I like about the game Factor Captor is because it makes you familiar with factors and prime numbers. I like the way the game is scored and how you can only use the same number once. It really makes me think a lot. I liked using the biggest prime numbers on the board since they had only two factors, 1 and itself. If you chose 2 which is a prime number, then your opponent would get 1 since 1 is a factor of 2, you only gain 1 point, so you might as well use 10.

Making an array might help you find some factors when your opponent chooses a big number since you can count the array's rows and columns to find two of the number's factors. If you continue to make more arrays for the same number without using the same factor twice, you can find all the factors of the number of dots in the array.

In the pages 2-28 in my math journal, my favorite exercise was finding the divisibility rules for each number. It made dividing big numbers easy. I learned that if the numbers digits added up to a multiple of 3 or 9, the entire number is divisible by 3 or 9 depending on which number the digits could be divisible by. I also learned that if the last two digits are divisible by four, the entire number is divisible by four. Lastly, I learned that if the number is divisible by 2 and 3, the number is divisible by 6.

Best and Worse Subjects

My Best Subject

At school, my favorite subject is math since it really is easy and it is pretty useful in the real world, it feels good to impress your teachers you know. For math, I pretty much knew most of the things that I was taught so far in 5th grade, it was sort of like a review. Math time is like a break for my6 mind since I don't think so much because I know the things my teacher teaches. I just have to breeze through the questions and then relax and wait for the next assignment. Math is the subject that I don't need much work on but writing...

My Worst Subject

My worst subject at school is writing. It kind of stumps me how the teachers have to continuously tell me to revise and edit. I'm fine with grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The thing I'm not good at is revising and drafting. The reason I am not good at revising is because I don't really want to change my ideas. I mean, my drafting is ok not too bad, but when it is time for revising, I just sit there and wait the entire time for the next recess. And another thing, I would be better off if it was silent in the classroom because if I am doing nothing, I get easily distracted and may talk to a friend, if there is music, I might get too caried aff and listen to the music instead. As a result, I need a lot of work on my writing skills.